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Railway ASM/SM/TA Psychological Aptitude Test (English Medium) (3730)
Theory + Practice Sets and Previous Years’ Questions
1. (Intelligence Test/Classification Test)
2. (Selective Attention Test/Add of Odd Numbers)
3. (Spatial Scanning Test/Shortest Route Test)
4. (Information Ordering Test)
5. (Personality Test/Aptitude Test)
20 Psychological Aptitude Test Mock Test Papers
Solved Papers
Set-21 RRB Ajmer Assistant Station Master (ASM) Exam 16.01.2009
Set-22 RRB Chennai Assistant Station Master (ASM) Exam 01.02.2009
Set-23 RRB Chandigarh (ASM) Exam 21.05.2009
Set-24 NTPC (ASM) Exam 29.06.2017
Set-25 NTPC (ASM) Exam 30.06.2017

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